Types of Assets You Can Finance: A Comprehensive Overview

October 2023

Understanding Asset Financing

Asset financing solutions are a powerful tool for businesses, providing a pathway to acquire essential equipment or machinery without needing upfront capital. This form of finance is based on using the asset’s value (tangible or intangible) as security, allowing businesses to leverage their existing assets or the assets they intend to purchase. The assets can range from agricultural machinery to heavy machinery and even earthmoving equipment.

Defining An Asset

In finance, an asset refers to resources owned by individuals or businesses that have economic value. Assets are recorded on a company’s balance sheet and are generally categorised as – current, fixed, financial, and intangible. They are purchased to enhance a company’s value or contribute to its operations.

An asset can be regarded as something that, in the future, can generate cash flow, decrease expenses, or boost sales, irrespective of whether it’s manufacturing machinery or software. To be eligible for asset finance, the asset in question must be capable of being converted into cash.

Determining The Value of An Asset

Typically, an asset’s value is determined by its market value in the event of a sale. However, other factors can decrease its worth. For instance, any outstanding debt secured by the asset is deducted from its value.

The Versatility of Asset Financing Solutions

Asset finance solutions are not limited to a specific industry or type of asset. From heavy machinery to office software, a wide range of assets can be financed. This versatility makes asset financing an attractive option for businesses across various sectors.

Here are some examples of assets you can get financing for:

  • Vehicles and Transport Equipment: Trucks, cars, forklifts, and other transport equipment are often financed due to their high upfront costs and the essential role they play.
  • Farming And Agriculture: Agricultural machinery, from tractors to harvesters, can be acquired without the financial burden of purchasing it outright.
  • IT Equipment: With technology rapidly evolving, businesses often finance IT equipment to stay competitive without draining their cash reserves.
  • Construction Equipment: This finance offers a way for businesses to secure earthmoving equipment assets while spreading the cost over a manageable period.
  • Heavy Machinery Finance: This type of finance can cover assets like cranes, forklifts, and production machinery. It allows businesses to upgrade or replace machinery as needed without disrupting cash flow.
  • Office Furniture And Equipment: Businesses can get financing to purchase desks, chairs, printers, and other office essentials to establish a professional workspace.

The Benefits Of Asset Finance

Asset or equipment finance is a broad term that encompasses the above-listed categories. It offers several benefits to businesses, including–

  1. Improved cash flow: By financing assets, businesses can preserve their cash for other operational needs.
  2. Access to high-quality equipment: Asset financing allows businesses to acquire top-tier equipment that might otherwise be out of their financial reach.
  3. Flexibility: Asset finance solutions can be tailored to suit a business’s specific needs and financial situation.
  4. Tax benefits: In many cases, the repayments on financed assets can be tax-deductible.
  5. Up-to-date technology: Financing IT equipment allows businesses to stay current with the latest technology without significant capital outlay.

Who Can Benefit From Asset Financing?

Asset financing is not exclusive to any particular business size or industry. Small start-ups can use it to fund growth, while larger organisations can utilise it to manage cash flow issues.

The eligibility for asset finance will be influenced by various factors, with the type of asset you intend to finance being a significant consideration.

The Power Of Asset Financing Solutions

In conclusion, asset financing solutions offer businesses a flexible and efficient way to acquire necessary assets. Whether it’s agricultural machinery finance, earthmoving equipment finance, or heavy machinery finance, these solutions can provide significant benefits businesses can use to unlock their potential and drive growth.

Whether you are a startup, SME or a large enterprise, we’re here to ensure you’re positioned for growth and success. We’ll work with you to understand your requirements and offer expert guidance, using our extensive experience to identify the financing solution that suits you best.

Contact us today to learn more about our asset finance eligibility criteria and our wide range of other financial solutions! Take a look at our FAQ page for more information.

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